With great thanks to Burnley Words Festival and SPF funding from Burnley Borough Council and BPRCVS, we are thrilled to announce that The Burnley ViewPoint, a succesful hyperlocal magazine, celebrating Burnley voices & stories.
We are looking for:
⦁ Essays and News Articles (works up to 1,500 words, that cover Burnley Stories and its people!)
⦁ Photographs (That could also be used for other articles which don't have imagery. JPEG files with a minimum of 300 dpi)
⦁ Poetry, Short Stories, and anecdotes, we are commited to platforming Burnley Creatives, but going forward the magazine will focus more on journalistic pieces. (poetry up to 40 lines, stories up to 1500 words)
⦁ Short-format Videos (videos should come with a short description)
⦁ Any other stories or topics you think we should cover!
Attach your submissions as a word document and send them to:
Submission Guidelines:
All submissions should be titled with your name and the piece's title, and submitted as a Word document or PDF file, images should be supplied as seperate files, not within the text document.
Original Work Only: We only accept original work created by you. No AI-generated content or plagiarised pieces will be considered. We value authentic voices and genuine stories from Burnley (and the surrounding areas), so please ensure your submission is entirely your own creation.
Services and Collaborations:
If you’re an artist, graphic designer, editor, or marketing expert interested in collaborating or offering your services to help shape this publication, we’d love to hear from you.
Email us at hello@burnleyviewpoint.com to discuss how we can work together.
⦁ Do I need to submit an image to go along with a written piece?
Whilst we prefer content to be supplied with relevant images (with appropriate usage rights) we do accept work without images in certain cases. We are also looking for photographers and illustrators to submit their work and we will pair relevant images and written pieces together.
⦁ Does the piece need to be brand new? Can it be something that has been published else where?
As long as you have permission to share your piece else where then we are happy for you to send previously published work. Please provide details of where and how your piece has previously being published and any restrictions on its use.
⦁ Do I need to be from Burnley to submit a piece to the magazine?
No, the magazine and this project is dedicated to celebrating the voices of Burnley and the surrounding areas.
⦁ Will the magazine ever be printed?
We have plans for a future printed physical version of the magazine, but right now the magazine is only online. If we ever decide to publish your work in a different format, we will discuss this with you well in advance.
⦁ Is this a paid opportunity?
No, right now there are no paid opportunities linked to the magazine.
⦁ Can I use a pen name?
Yes, please ensure that whatever name you attach to your submission, is the name you wish to be published by.
⦁ If my piece isn’t chosen will I receive feedback
The magazine is currently entirely ran by volunteers, which means that extensive feedback may not always be possible, but we are aiming to communicate clearly with everyone who submits, about if and when their piece will be published.
⦁ Can I submit more than one piece?
At this point we ask you to submit only one piece. Submitting to this first call out doesn’t prevent you from submitting other pieces in the future.
⦁ What happens once I have submitted? When will I find out if my piece is going to be published?
We are a group of volunteers meeting on a weekly basis to work on the magazine. Our lead editors will be mainly in charge of reading through submissions and preparing them for publication. We will aim to respond to everyone who submits work and keep them regularly updated on if, when and how we will be publishing their work.
This project celebrates writing and community; we welcome new and established writers, creatives, voices and stories. We are an inclusive organisation funded by public funding and reserve the right to refuse to publish anything that promotes violence or hate speech. We are committed to publishing a diverse and inclusive range of pieces - By The People of Burnley - For The People of Burnley.